Interview / Bob Martin: Jack Kerouac’s contemporary (from Prog Sphere)

Klemen: Thank you very much for agreeing to this interview, Bob. I have been a fan of Midwest Farm Disaster for many years now and I am only 20 years old. You were born in Lowell, Massachusetts in 1942. What can you tell us about your childhood?

Bob: I am the son of a house painter who supported a wife and 3 children. We lived in a small 5 room house in a middle class neighborhood. This was a happy time in my life; there were a lot of kids and we played outside most of the time. We didn’t have a lot of money and I didn’t realize that we were poor until I went to high school and saw how some kids lived. We didn’t have TV until I was 12 so my fun was to read. We always had books in the house. My mother loved books and we had a good library. She introduced me to Jack Kerouac’s writing.

Read the full interview here.